Posts tagged millennials
The Best Way to Handle Getting Hit Up by an Ex

You know that old saying, “They always come back”? Always is quite an overstatement, but that saying definitely didn’t just come out of nowhere. In March, 25% of people reported receiving contact from an ex. And that was just the beginning of the pandemic.

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Every Single’s Guide to Thriving During the 2020 Holidays

I think we’re all aware that being single during the holidays can be tough. You know how it is. Seasonal rom coms start clogging up your Netflix recommendations. Matching pajamas on Instagram. All that stuff that’s fun and cute unless you’re the one not doing it. Even if you love being single, Aunt Karen with the questions about why you’re still single can get pretty annoying this time of year.

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Troubleshooting Your Goals: Lessons from a Therapist’s Career Journey

I have had a passion for psychology since I knew what it was. The human experience has always fascinated me. When asked why I became a mental health counselor, I often share a funny anecdote I remember about when the local high school counselor came to my middle school to talk to us 8th graders about selecting our 9th grade classes. I remember seeing in the course handbook that Introduction to Psychology was only allowed for sophomores and above. Hoping this was some kind of misprint, I raised my hand and asked the visiting counselor if this was really true. She confirmed, and I, disappointed and determined, resolved that at the end of my freshman year, I would be the first to sign up.

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3 Signs You and Your Partner Have Chemistry and Why It Matters

Healthy, long-lasting relationships are made of several essential building blocks. Typically, elements like trust, shared core values, similar goals, and some level of attraction create the foundation for successful relationships. Relationships are sort of like the game Tetris. If each partner has qualities that fit with the needs of the other, a solid, secure base can form.

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Restaurant Anxiety: Dining Out While Recovering from an Eating Disorder

Going out to eat is supposed to be fun. It’s a great way to get out of the house, socialize, try new cuisines, and eat without having to cook. For people without eating disorders, restaurants are exciting and relaxing. If you have an eating disorder, however, going to a restaurant can feel like torture.

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3 Tips to Help You Kiss Dating Anxiety Goodbye

Four months after the partial reopening of Chicago, dating is back in full swing, and so is the anxiety that comes with it. Even before the threat of catching COVID, dating could be scary. First dates, especially, are often awkward, intimidating, or boring. The combination of uncertainty and vulnerability during a first date can be uncomfortable for anybody.

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Sometimes, You Just Gotta Jump

Have you ever had one of those nightmares where you’re expected to perform a task at work you have no idea how to do? If so, you’re familiar with the panic and humiliation that comes from being completely unprepared. Maybe this has even happened to you in real life! Nobody wants to go into something important without preparing first. Whether it’s school, a new job, or a race, adequate planning and training can help you feel more confident and perform better.

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Making Dating Apps Work For You

Dating during COVID seems impossible. Last summer, eyes were made across dance floors all over Chicago every Friday night. Now, dance floors are empty, and getting out of your pre-reserved seat to mingle is highly frowned upon, if not forbidden. Bumping into a good-looking stranger, formerly considered good luck, is now a reason to wash your hands.

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In Defense of Caffeine

Drip, cortado, pour-over, Sumatra, fair-trade, draft nitro cold brew- twenty years ago, these terms might have easily been confused with those of a foreign language, but for Millennial coffee drinkers, such are part of standard vernacular. Millennials drink about 44% of coffee in the United States, and with smartphones delivering neverending emails, an obsession with productivity, and lucrative side hustles, it’s no wonder they need the extra boost.

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Find your work flow

Love what you’ll do, and you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s the common phrase. Love when you do it, and you might never have to work another night in your life either. Somewhere along the line, humans decided that the most efficient workday exists between 9 AM and 5 PM. Oh, the good ole’ 9 to 5. Covet or hate it, this routine style of working has truly made a name for itself.

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