Posts tagged imposter syndrome
Find your work flow

Love what you’ll do, and you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s the common phrase. Love when you do it, and you might never have to work another night in your life either. Somewhere along the line, humans decided that the most efficient workday exists between 9 AM and 5 PM. Oh, the good ole’ 9 to 5. Covet or hate it, this routine style of working has truly made a name for itself.

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Asking for Help: Taking a Mental Trust Fall

I watched helplessly as the flood waters rose.  Panicking, my husband and I tried to barricade certain areas of our apartment with anything absorbent.  Towels. Old clothes. Spare bed sheets. We tried to bail out as much water as we could, which was really only effective in reducing the helplessness we felt versus actually making an impact on the rising water.

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