Posts tagged eating disorder recovery
5 Reasons To Throw Away Your Scale Today

What would you say if a friend told you that every morning, you need to stop by their house before work, so they can look at you, assess whether or not you look fat, and tell you how you should feel about yourself for the rest of the day?

Crazy, right? Who would agree to such a thing!?

Every morning, millions of Americans do almost exactly this. They get out of bed and go directly to the bathroom scale, where a set of numbers will determine how confident, attractive, and successful they feel that day.

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Summer Body Image

You know that feeling when you step outside and realize, finally, the weather is starting to get warmer? The shift from winter into spring and summer feels hopeful in many ways. Finally, activities like hiking, biking, going on long walks, and lounging by the pool will soon be possible again. Warmer weather also means less clothing. If body image is something you struggle with, this fact alone might be enough to turn that feeling of hopefulness into one of dread.

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Eating Disorder Recovery: Coping with Feeling Full During the Holidays

Well, here we are, everyone. Somehow, after eight months of the world being turned upside down by the Coronavirus Pandemic, we made it to the Holiday Season. Thanksgiving is already less than two weeks away! While the Winter Holidays can be joyful, those in eating disorder recovery often find this time stressful and triggering.

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Restaurant Anxiety: Dining Out While Recovering from an Eating Disorder

Going out to eat is supposed to be fun. It’s a great way to get out of the house, socialize, try new cuisines, and eat without having to cook. For people without eating disorders, restaurants are exciting and relaxing. If you have an eating disorder, however, going to a restaurant can feel like torture.

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