Posts tagged millennial burnout
You Can Have It All: Expert Secrets to Balancing Love and Your Career

If you are a career-driven person, you might be wondering if it’s possible to be successful at work while dating or maintaining a romantic relationship. Society constantly sends messages that make it seem like you have to choose one or the other. You can work, or you can be a mom. You can be a devoted husband, or you can travel for business. Our brains like this kind of “either-or” thinking because it makes information easy to categorize. However, in a world full of shades of grey, dichotomies like these are rarely ever true. You can, in all actuality, have both.

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Sometimes, You Just Gotta Jump

Have you ever had one of those nightmares where you’re expected to perform a task at work you have no idea how to do? If so, you’re familiar with the panic and humiliation that comes from being completely unprepared. Maybe this has even happened to you in real life! Nobody wants to go into something important without preparing first. Whether it’s school, a new job, or a race, adequate planning and training can help you feel more confident and perform better.

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In Defense of Caffeine

Drip, cortado, pour-over, Sumatra, fair-trade, draft nitro cold brew- twenty years ago, these terms might have easily been confused with those of a foreign language, but for Millennial coffee drinkers, such are part of standard vernacular. Millennials drink about 44% of coffee in the United States, and with smartphones delivering neverending emails, an obsession with productivity, and lucrative side hustles, it’s no wonder they need the extra boost.

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Find your work flow

Love what you’ll do, and you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s the common phrase. Love when you do it, and you might never have to work another night in your life either. Somewhere along the line, humans decided that the most efficient workday exists between 9 AM and 5 PM. Oh, the good ole’ 9 to 5. Covet or hate it, this routine style of working has truly made a name for itself.

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