Posts tagged good communication
3 Strategies to Help You End Relationship Anxiety for Good

What if my partner stops loving me? Are we really compatible? Am I with the right person? Are they cheating on me?

These are questions that anyone who’s ever been in a relationship has likely asked themself at some point. Frankly, never questioning whether you and you and your partner are a good match, if they’re faithful, and what you would do if the two of you broke up wouldn’t be healthy. But if you struggle with relationship anxiety, these thoughts can quickly become obsessive and even detrimental to your relationship.

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The Best Way to Handle Getting Hit Up by an Ex

You know that old saying, “They always come back”? Always is quite an overstatement, but that saying definitely didn’t just come out of nowhere. In March, 25% of people reported receiving contact from an ex. And that was just the beginning of the pandemic.

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You Seem Distant: withdrawing in relationships

We all have patterns in our relationships we know are not helpful for the longevity of the relationship. You may act passive aggressively. You may retaliate with hostility when you’re feeling stressed or angry. You and your partner may bicker or fight often, leading to disconnection. Whatever you may find yourself doing, very few things approach the sadness and destructiveness of a partner who withdraws from the relationship when feeling displeased, angry, or hurt.

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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling overly concerned about the strength of your relationship, worrying about how much your partner loves you, or feeling on edge that you are not enough for your partner, then you might have relationship anxiety. This fairly common experience can be tricky to pick apart. It is often difficult to determine if your concerns are simply stories you’re blowing up in your own mind or actually based on actions your partner has taken. When it goes unchecked, this anxiety has the capacity to wreak havoc on even the best suited pairs.

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