Posts tagged effective communication
How Happy Couples Fight

Every couple fights. How you do it is what matters.

When you and your partner disagree, do your arguments turn into competitions about which of you is “right”? Do you find yourself in screaming matches? Does either of you give the cold shoulder to the other? All these ways of fighting are common, but none of them are productive.

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How to Get Your Partner to Adopt Your Love Language

Quality time. Physical touch. Words of affirmation. Gifts. Acts of service. Most of my clients have a sense of what love language they speak. Some are even able to identify the preferred love languages of their partners. Identifying you and your partner’s love languages is a great step towards increasing intimacy and reducing conflict in your relationship. Where many people get stuck, I’ve found, is in trying to figure out how to communicate in their partner’s differing love language, and even more so, how to get their partner to communicate in theirs.

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You Can Be Right or You Can be in a Relationship

Have you had this moment with your partner: Partner A is yelling at Partner B, “We gotta go! We’re gonna be late!” Partner B is thinking, “It’s a party, it’s called being fashionably late” as Partner B takes time finishing up getting ready. Partner A is fuming about the lack of urgency Partner B is displaying. An argument ensues on the way to party. Whether you are Partner A or B you’re likely getting frustrated that your partner isn’t seeing your point of view.

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