Posts tagged improve work life balance
This Foolproof Strategy Can Help You Achieve Your 2021 Relationship Goals

Have you thought about your goals for 2021? After 2020 turned out to be completely different than anyone expected, setting goals for next year might feel pointless. Although no one knows for sure what will happen in 2021, setting achievable goals can help restore a healthy sense of purpose and control in your life.

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You Can Have It All: Expert Secrets to Balancing Love and Your Career

If you are a career-driven person, you might be wondering if it’s possible to be successful at work while dating or maintaining a romantic relationship. Society constantly sends messages that make it seem like you have to choose one or the other. You can work, or you can be a mom. You can be a devoted husband, or you can travel for business. Our brains like this kind of “either-or” thinking because it makes information easy to categorize. However, in a world full of shades of grey, dichotomies like these are rarely ever true. You can, in all actuality, have both.

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