Posts tagged values
Makeup and the Mind

Womxn and makeup have a complicated relationship. For some, it is an art. A luxury that one treats herself to. Even an indulgence. For others, a necessary evil. Something imposed upon them by society. Some reject it altogether, and others could take it or leave it.

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Shining Light Onto Shame

The sinking feeling of shame- everybody knows it. Unlike guilt, which is focused on regretted behavior, shame is the deeper belief that there is something wrong with you. According to Brene Brown, shame researcher and viral Ted Talk speaker, guilt sounds like, “I’m sorry; I made a mistake,” while shame condemns, “I’m sorry; I am a mistake.”

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Values-Guided Action (Even When It’s Hard)

How many times in the past month have you chosen to do something even if it meant putting up with uncomfortable feelings? Maybe you woke up at the sound of your morning alarm although staying in bed for another hour would have been much preferred. Maybe you worried about looking silly while wearing a mask to the grocery store during the COVID-19 crisis, but you wore one anyways. Or perhaps you chose to forgo watching your favorite Netflix show in order to write a paper or study for an upcoming exam.

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