Posts tagged Eco-anxiety
Identify Your Triggers: The Secret To Lowering Anxiety

Every year, about 40 million people, or 18% of the US population1, report struggling with anxiety. Anxiety is a mental, emotional, and physical experience characterized by worry, tension, overthinking, insomnia, panic, and in severe cases, symptoms like rapid heart beat, trouble breathing, sweating, and feeling unreal or out of control. If you struggle with mild anxiety, such as slight overthinking about work, or severe symptoms, like full out panic attacks, tracking your symptoms and identifying your triggers may be the answer.

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Love in the Time of Eco-Anxiety

It all started with trying to save money on paper towels.  My husband and I noticed how many paper towels we were using every week and thought it would be an interesting experiment to see if we could go without.  We cut up old t-shirts for rags and increased the amount of cloth towels hanging in our kitchen. It only took a week or so to realize that it wasn’t nearly as difficult as we'd thought it would be and, in addition to saving us money, it was way better for the environment.  That was the start…

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